Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thing 9- Finding Feeds

From searching, I have found that there are many useful feeds floating around out there! I will say that I am somewhat (and yet not at all) suprised at the high number of library and librarian-related blogs and websites with feeds. There is definitely something to that!

I actually liked the initial feed-finder from bloglines- it was easy to use and the categorizations made sense to me. Outside of that, I am fond of Technorati as I feel it is a thorough source and pretty easy to navigate and use. I find Syndic8 visually unattractive and just a bit too much of a mish-mash for my tastes.

Thing 8- RSS feeds and bloglines

I'm not new to the idea of RSS feeds, I just never got into them. I know what they are and how to use them, but even now I'm not terribly kean on them. This is mostly because I know I would subscribe to way too many of them and not be able to keep things sorted! However, having now used bloglines I do see the benefit of being able to quickly catch up on the changes that have been made on certain key website I visit. I am also surprised by just how many different websites have the feeds.

I personally would use this strictly to keep up with various professional websites which I like to keep tabs on, such as YALSA, the LII, and CJRLC.

My blogroll: http://rpc.bloglines.com/blogroll?html=1&id=samtheteenlibrarian

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thing 6- My Flickr

This is a picture of the Barnegat Teen Zone that I took today and uploaded to my Flickr account. Isn't it cozy? :)

Thing 5- Flickr/Picasa

Because Flickr is being cranky with Blogger, I got my pic from Photobucket instead. I much prefer Flickr to Photobucket because the quality of the uploads is better, but oh well!!

I am a cat fan, and as corny as they may be I am a fan of LOLcats. This one in particular is one of my favorites, since I'm a dork and love star wars references!

Friday, March 14, 2008

7 Habits

I would say the hardest habit for me is habit number 4. I am very rarely confident in myself or my abilities, even when I can easily see that what I am doing is successful. My mind always jumps ahead to the next potential point of failure! I've been getting better about it in recent years but it is definitely something I still need to work on.

The easiest thing for me is habit 6- use technology! Maybe it's because I'm just wrapping up library school, or maybe it's just because I'm 24, but I use technology for everything! I already had a teen blog for my branch, and I'm the tech/gaming guru around here as well. I love technology and embrace it openly!

Monday, March 10, 2008

OCL webthings

Test post for OCL webthings challenge. Yay!